OpenGL and Programmable Shaders

CS 381 Lecture, Dr. Lawlor

I've finally stripped down my set of OpenGL libraries to make a relatively simple example program.  It's called glsl_bare (Zip, Tar-gzip). (UPDATED Friday 3 pm: it should actually build anywhere now, and has been verified on Windows and Linux.  I provide a Visual C++ 2003 project file, Code::Blocks project file, and Linux/Mac OS X Makefile.)

C++ Libraries used with OpenGL

Mac OS X
Basic rendering calls: triangles, vertices, textures, etc.
The OpenGL FAQ is a good place to start, or the Manual Pages. The  OpenGL 1.4 Specification is unreadable legalese.  The Red Book is dated but readable.

(note captialization, Windows people!)

(Usually have to add this to your project's linker properties...)
-framework OpenGL
Create windows, set up buffers, handle keyboard and mouse.
The original GLUT API document is readable.
glut32.lib or freeglut.lib
-framework GLUT
Dynamic interface to latest OpenGL routines.  A must for programmable shaders on Windows!
GLEW makes OpenGL routines work as advertised.  The only pure-GLEW routine is glewInit().

(Include first; this replaces GL/gl.h!)
(I prefer it statically linked)

Buttons, scrollbars, dropdown menus, and other widgets.
I've prepared some doxygen comments. There's also an older GLUI manual.
(I prefer it statically linked)

Orion's random crappy OpenGL utilities
Read the ogl/ header files.
(I prefer it statically linked)

C++ Matrix and Vector Classes

I've posted two interesting header files as part of the glsl_bare example above:

    #include "osl/vec4.h"
    #include "osl/mat4.h"
    using namespace osl;

These contain an implementation of the GLSL "vec4" and "mat4" types in C++.  You can now usually just copy-and-paste GLSL vector and matrix code into C++, and it should "just magically work".  In particular, any legal GLSL vec4 or mat4 operation should be legal C++; but of course send me an email if you find a mismatch!

The command to upload a matrix into a GLSL program is glUniformMatrix4fv.  Call it with an osl "mat4" like this:

The "1" is because we've only got one matrix to upload.  The "0" is because we don't need to transpose--mat4 is already column-major.