Kernel Threads, and "Thread Safety"

CS 321 Lecture, Dr. Lawlor

(Note: the first part of this lecture is a recycled CS301 lecture, but the end is different...)

Simple Kernel Threads

So in the previous lecture, we built threads and switched between them on our own.  But you can actually get the OS kernel to do the hard work of creating threads, which are then called "kernel threads".  On UNIX systems, you create a new kernel thread by calling "pthread_create", which is in "#include <pthread.h>" and the "-lpthread" library.  You just pass pthread_create the function to run in the thread, and the kernel will then run that function, switching back and forth between threads at basically random times (100 or 1000 times per second, usually).
#include <pthread.h>

void doWork(const char *caller) {
void *fnA(void *arg) {
for (int i=0;i<3;i++) doWork("A");
return 0;
void *fnB(void *arg) {
for (int i=0;i<3;i++) doWork("B");
return 0;
int foo(void) {
pthread_t B;
pthread_create(&B,0,fnB,0); /* make a thread B, to run fnB */
void *Bret;
pthread_join(B,&Bret); /* wait until B finishes */
return 0;
(executable NetRun link)

To illustrate the way the kernel randomly switches between these functions, run this thing several times--here's what I got on several different runs:






That is, the kernel runs A for a while, then B for a while, then back to A.  You can't tell when a switch is going to happen. Note that the kernel sometimes switches to B between when A prints the letter 'A' and when it prints the newline immediately after it in the string "A\n"!

The danger of threads

So basically a kernel thread is just a fancy way to run one of your subroutines simultaniously with all the other subroutines.  A kernel thread can still call other functions, access your global variables, or use anything it can find that belongs to other threads. 

This shared access to common variables immediately introduces the many problems of "thread safety".   For example, consider a piece of code like this:
int shared=0;
void inc(void) {
int i=shared;
If two threads try to call "inc" repeatedly, the two executions might interleave like this:
Thread A
Thread B
int i=shared; // i==0
i++; // i==1
   //  hit interrupt.  switch to B

shared=i; // i is still 1, so shared==1!

int i=shared; // i==0 (again)
i++; //i==1
shared=i; // shared==1

int i=shared; // i==1
i++; //i==2
shared=i; // shared==2

int i=shared; // i==2
i++; //i==3
shared=i; // shared==3
// hit interrupt, switch back to A

Uh oh!  When we switch back to thread A, the value stored in "i" isn't right anymore. It's an older copy of a shared global variable, stored in thread A's stack or registers.  So thread A will happily overwrite the shared variable with its old version, causing all of B's work to be lost!

Here's an executable example of this problem.  Both threads are trying to increment "sum".  They do this 6,000 times, so "sum" should be 6000 at the end.  But with optimization on, they both store a copy of "sum" in a register, so one guy overwrites the other guy's work when they write the modified value back to "sum", and you (usually!) end up with the totally-wrong value 3000:
#include <pthread.h>

int sum=0; /*<- Careful! This variable is shared between threads! */
void doWork(void) {
for (int i=0;i<1000;i++)
void *fnA(void *arg) {
for (int i=0;i<3;i++) doWork();
return 0;
void *fnB(void *arg) {
for (int i=0;i<3;i++) doWork();
return 0;
int foo(void) {
pthread_t B;
void *Bret;
return sum;
(executable NetRun link)

Thread Safety with "volatile"

Sometimes, the only problem is the compiler's over-optimization of access to global variables.  You can scare the compiler away from a variable by putting the keyword "volatile" in front of it.  This makes the compiler fear the variable, and do exactly what you ask with it:
volatile int sum=0;  /*<- Careful!  This variable is shared between threads! */
void doWork(void) {
for (int i=0;i<1000;i++)
(executable NetRun link)

Adding "volatile" does indeed improve the thread safety of this program--in fact, on a uniprocessor machine, it now gets the right answer!  This is because "sum++" becomes a single instruction ("inc dword [sum]"), and an instruction executes as one piece--if the kernel switches to another thread, it will be either before or after this instruction, and never "in the middle of an instruction".

However, on a multiprocessor machine (dual core, dual CPU, or hyperthreaded like the NetRun machine), this program STILL GIVES THE WRONG ANSWER.

The reason is curious.  On a real multiprocessor, two processors might simultaneously execute the crucial "inc" instruction.  Since the instruction involves reading "sum" from memory, incrementing it, and writing it back out, it can still happen that one processor overwrites the result of another processor.

Thread Safety with "lock" Instruction Prefix

One way to *really* fix this code on a multiprocessor would be to use the assembly language "lock" prefix, which causes an instruction to execute "atomically".  This changes the memory access mode so that no other processor can modify that instruction's data until the instruction completes.  Here's what our loop looks like using the lock prefix.  "incl (sum)" is the g++ inline assembly version of "inc dword [sum]".
volatile int sum=0;  /*<- Careful!  This variable is shared between threads! */
void doWork(void) {
for (int i=0;i<1000;i++)
__asm__ ( "lock incl (sum)" );
(executable NetRun link)

Now, finally, we get the right answer!  However, our program is now 10x slower!  Ah well--there are lots of other ways to fix this problem.  We'll talk about these non-assembly thread-safety approaches in CS 321!

Thread Safety With Mutexes

There's another way to make this function threadsafe that works even if you've got more than one assembly-instruction worth of work to do.  It's called a "mutex", which is just a special object with "lock" and "unlock" operations--while you've got the mutex locked, no other thread can lock the mutex (think of the lock in a bathroom stall!).  In pthreads, this looks like:
int sum=0;  /*<- Careful!  This variable is shared between threads! */
pthread_mutex_t sum_lock=PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
void doWork(void) {
for (int i=0;i<1000;i++)
This supports long stretches of protected code, is guaranteed to work on all machines, and requires no ugly unportable assembly.   But there are a few problems: