Iterated Function Systems

CS 481/681 2007 Lecture, Dr. Lawlor

An Iterated Function System (IFS) is a really simple object.  It's just a small set of matrices, or other space-to-space functions (hence usually called "maps").  It's really easy to describe lots of interesting fractal shapes using IFSs, where the shape consists of nothing but a set of scaled copies of itself.  That is, an IFS is a definition for a sort of "recursive object", where you define the object in terms of smaller copies of itself.

For example, a Sierpinski Triangle consists of three smaller Sierpinski Triangles.  Hence you can represent a Sierpinski Triangle using an IFS with 3 matrices that map the unit square down onto the three pieces.
Sierpinski Triangle (public domain)
Sierpisnki Triangle with bounds

You can draw an IFS by recursively applying the IFS matrices, like this.  Eventually you do need a recursive base case, where you draw a point or dot or... anything, really!
void drawSierpinski(Matrix cur) {
if (coordinates_are_really_small(cur))
{ /* Recursion base case: draw a little dot at this coordinate origin */
} else { /* Recursion case */
Or if you've got a list of matrices, the same recursion looks like this:
void drawIFS(Matrix cur,int level,const std::vector<Matrix> &matrices) {
if (level>10)
{ /* Recursion base case: draw a little dot at this coordinate origin */
} else { /* Recursion case */
for (int m=0;m<matrices.size();m++)
drawSierpinski(cur*matrices[m], level+1, matrices);
What's really weird about IFSs is that *there is no geometry there*.  It's all just points, defined by a small set of matrices.

Curiously, you can also draw an IFS without recursion by applying a randomly chosen IFS matrix to a randomly-chosen point:
void diceIFS(const std::vector<Matrix> &matrices) {
Point p=Point(0,0);
for (int i=0;i<1000000;i++) {
p=matrices[rand()%matrices.size()] * p;
You can define IFSs in any number of dimensions; see some 3D examples in an online Java Applet.

I wrote a paper in late 2002 describing how to find bounding volumes for 2D and 3D IFS.  The same page has presentations, a much nicer 2D IFS editor than my 3D version on the course homepage, and a whole set of cool 2D IFSs.