FFT & Image Data

CS 481/681 2007 Lecture, Dr. Lawlor

Here's where I should explain to you how the FFT works.  But I'm going to cheat and just point you to Paul Bourke's excellent pages:

FFT Image Matching

The basic task in image matching is cross-correlation, which is just taking the product of two images at various shifts.  This routine would return pixel (dx,dy) of the correlation image:
float correlation_image(int dx,int dy, image &a,image &b) {
float sum=0.0;
for (int y=0;y<a.ht();y++)
for (int x=0;x<a.wid();x++)
return sum;
The idea is that once we finally figure out the offset (dx,dy) that lines up the two images, the bright parts of a will match up with the bright parts of b, and the value in the correlation image will be large.

We can use the FFT to do "fast convolution"--we can compute all the pixels in a correlation image by complex-conjugate-multiplying the FFT'd versions of images a and b:
/// ... fill imgA with the search image, and imgB with the chip to search for ...

for (y=0;y<fftH;y++)
for (x=0;x<fftW;x++) {
fcpx a=imgA.at(x,y);
fcpx b=imgB.at(x,y);
fcpx c=(a)*std::conj(b); /* complex multiply a by the complex conjugate of b */

/// ... imgC is the "correlation image": pixel (dx,dy) is the product of imgA with imgB shifted by (dx,dy)
There's only one problem with this--it works like crap! 

When searching for this imgB:
Small image surrounded by black

Here's imgA (the image to search in) and imgC (the correlation image):
imgA (search image)
Small image surrounded by black
imgC (correlation image)
Small image surrounded by black
Notice how the correlation image has many bright areas--it's not at all clear where the heck the image matches here!

However, if we do a high-pass (edge detection) filter on the incoming images, for example by zeroing out all the low FFT frequences, we get far sharper correlations.  Here's the code:
/// ... fill imgA with the search image, and imgB with the chip to search for ...

for (y=0;y<fftH;y++)
for (x=0;x<fftW;x++) {
fcpx a=imgA.at(x,y);
fcpx b=imgB.at(x,y);
fcpx c=(a)*std::conj(b); /* complex multiply a by the complex conjugate of b

// Apply high-pass edge detecting filter
int fx=x; if (fx>(fftW/2)) fx-=fftW;
int fy=y; if (fy>(fftH/2)) fy-=fftH;
float r2=(fx*fx+fy*fy); // square of radius: discrete frequency bins
if (r2<128) c=0; // zero out low frequencies


/// ... imgC is the "correlation image": pixel (dx,dy) is the product of imgA with imgB shifted by (dx,dy)
And here are the resulting images. Note the strong correlation peak where the book image lines up:
imgA (search image)
Small image surrounded by black
imgC (correlation image)
Small image surrounded by black
Now we can handle a small leftward translation.
Small image surrounded by black
Note the shifted correlation peak.
Small image surrounded by black
Translating to the right.
Small image surrounded by black
Note the shifted correlation peak.
Small image surrounded by black
Obscuring part of the search image.
Small image surrounded by black
We still get a nice correlation peak.
Small image surrounded by black
Rotating the search image slightly (5 degrees or so).
Small image surrounded by black
The peak is wider, but still there.
Small image surrounded by black
Rotating the search image more (15 degrees or so).
Small image surrounded by black
The peak is now gone--correlation can't deal with much rotation.
Small image surrounded by black
Searching an unrelated image.
Small image surrounded by black
Now there are many peaks--"false correlations".
Small image surrounded by black

The bottom line is that image-to-image correlation is a powerful technique that can be used for:
Oh, and the cheap way to locate stuff in images is just to paint it hot pink.