Performance Analysis with Timers
CS 301 Lecture, Dr. Lawlor
Your basic tool for figuring out what's slow is a timer. This is
just a function that returns the current real time ("wall-clock"
time). NetRun has a builtin function called
"time_in_seconds", which returns a double giving the number of
seconds. Here's the implementation (from project/lib/inc.c):
/** Return the current time in seconds (since something or other). */
#if defined(WIN32)
# include <sys/timeb.h>
double time_in_seconds(void) { /* This seems to give terrible resolution (60ms!) */
struct _timeb t;
return t.millitm*1.0e-3+t.time*1.0;
#else /* UNIX or other system */
# include <sys/time.h> //For gettimeofday time implementation
double time_in_seconds(void) { /* On Linux, this is microsecond-accurate. */
struct timeval tv;
return tv.tv_usec*1.0e-6+tv.tv_sec*1.0;
As usual, there's one version for Windows, and a different version for
everything else. There are TONS of other ways to get some notion
of time in your programs:
- double seconds=time_in_seconds(); Only exists in NetRun. Return
the number of seconds since *something*. This is a double, implemented
as above.
- long seconds=time(0); Returns the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 (the notional birthday of UNIX!).
It's in <time.h>, and exists everywhere. Sadly, this is an
integer: good for calling "srand", but almost useless for timing fast
code unless you are *very* patient.
- double
seconds=clock()*(1.0/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); Also standard, and from
<time.h>. CLOCKS_PER_SEC is like a million, but clock()
seems to be quantized to milliseconds or worse on my machines.
Sadly,on most machines "clock()" returns CPU time, not wall clock
time, so you can't time disk or network or anything non-CPU
bound. Also look out! On a 32-bit machine, clock() may
overflow and wraparound as often as every hour (4000 seconds * 1
million CLOCKS_PER_SEC = 4 billion clocks...)
- The "rdtsc" instruction, like in the homework, returns the number
of CPU clock cycles since the machine started up. The cycle
count's low bits go into eax, and the high bits go into edx. The
only problem with this is "clock throttling", where newer CPUs vary
their clock speed (for energy efficiency when on battery power, or for thermal management, etc). This variation shows up in rdtsc, and may vary between cores on a multi-core machine!
The usual way to use a timer like this is to call the timer before your
code, call it after your code, and subtract the two times to get the
"elapsed" time:
#include <fstream>
int foo(void) {
double t_before=time_in_seconds();
std::ofstream f("foo.dat"); /* code to be timed goes here */
double t_after=time_in_seconds();
double elapsed=t_after - t_before;
std::cout<<"That took "<<elapsed<<" seconds\n";
return 0;
(executable NetRun link)
The problems are that:
- time_in_seconds returns seconds, but it's only accurate to microseconds (not nanoseconds!)
- time_in_seconds takes about 800ns to return (which is considered pretty fast!)
- Your code might get interrupted by the OS, other processes, hardware events, etc
Problems 1 and 2 can be cured by running many iterations--"scaling up"
many copies of the problem until it registers on your (noisy,
quantized) timer. So instead of doing this, which incorrectly
claims "x+=y" takes 700ns:
int x=3, y=2;
double t1=time_in_seconds();
double t2=time_in_seconds();
std::cout<<(t2-t1)*1.0e9<<" ns\n";
return x;
(Try this in NetRun now!)
You'd do this, which shows the real time, 0.5ns!
int x=3, y=2, n=1000000;
double t1=time_in_seconds();
for (int i=0;i<n;i++) x+=y;
double t2=time_in_seconds();
std::cout<<(t2-t1)/n*1.0e9<<" ns\n";
return x;
(Try this in NetRun now!)
Problem 3 can be cured by running the above several times, and
throwing out the anomalously high values (which were probably
Your other main tool for performance analysis is a
"profiler". This is a library that keeps track of which
function is running, and totals up the number of function calls and
time spent in each one. The "Profile" checkbox in NetRun will run
a profiler, and show you the top functions it found in your code.
Both timing and profiling have some problems, though:
- Timing and profiling both take time themselves, which skews your
measurement of the code. This is often amusingly refered to as a
Heisenberg effect--stuff behaves differently when you're watching it!
- Timing and profiling both fail on very short pieces of
code. Sometimes you'll have to repeat the code many times for it
to take a measureable length of time.
NetRun has a nice little built-in function called print_time that takes
a string and a function. It times the execution of (many
iterations of) the function, then divides by the number of iterations
to print out exactly how long each call to the function takes.
The "Time" checkbox in NetRun calls print_time on the default foo