CS 202 Homework 0
Dr. Lawlor, lawlor@alaska.edu, 2010-01-21
This document also available electronically at the course website.
HINT: Running both my code, and your new code is highly encouraged!
Turn in a paper copy Thursday 2010-01-28 at the beginning of class.
0.) Your UAF email: ____________@alaska.edu
1.) Why does this code print "3"!?
int a=2, b=3;
if (a=b) { cout<<a; }
2.) Which of these user input loops sometimes skips the cin entirely?
a.) int i; do { cin>>i; } while (i<0 || i>=10);
b.) int i; while (i<0 || i>=10) { cin>>i; }
c.) int i; for (i=-1;i<0||i>10;cin>>i) {}
Why? __________________
3.) This user-input program goes into an infinite loop if you enter "a". Please fix it.
int i=-1; while (i<0 || i>=10) { cout<<"An int?\n"; cin>>i; }
4.) Which implementation is better?
a.) char name[10]; cin>>name;
b.) string name; cin>>name;
Why? __________________
5.) Make this program print the same things, but without ever using "string":
string name; cin>>name;
string sirname="my good friend "+name+", Esq.";
cout<<"Greetings, "+sirname+"! How long have we known each other, "+sirname+"?\n";
6.) Write a function to return the j'th string's k'th letter. Return '@' if j or k is invalid.
struct triString { string s0; string s1; string s2; }; |
char extractLetter(triString t,int j,int k) {
} |
(For example, "extractLetter(t,2,7)" would return t.s2[7].)
7.) What does this code print? _________
const char *str="mtzlpvk"; const char *ptr=&str[4];
cout<<*ptr++; cout<<*ptr++;
8.) Please rewrite "mystrup" to use simple array indexing, not this weird pointer arithmetic:
void mystrup(char *dest,const char *src) {
while (0!= (*dest++ = toupper(*src++))) {}
9.) Which compiler/IDE do you usually use?
__ Visual C++ __ Dev-Cpp __ Code::Blocks __ XCode __ make/g++ __ _________
Which OS do you usually use? __ XP __ Vista __ Windows 7 __ OS X __ Linux
Which languages are you comfortable writing in? (check all that apply)
__ C++ __ C# __ Java __ Plain C __ Perl __ PHP __ Python __ Ruby __ ____________
(Score: 0 points. Pure curiosity on my part, although it does determine what I'll cover...)