Three Generations of x86 Floating-Point Numbers: FPU, SSE, and AVX

CS 301 Lecture, Dr. Lawlor

Intel has actually created three separate generations of floating-point hardware for the x86.  They started with a rather hideous stack-oriented FPU modeled after a pocket calculator in the early 1980's, started over again with a register-based version called SSE in the 1990's, and have just recently created a three-input extension of SSE called AVX.

Briefly, the generations are:

Typical Instruction
Data Type
Generation 1: FPU
1x 80-bit
long double
Generation 2: SSE
addss xmm0,xmm1
4x 32-bit float
2x 64-bit double
or __m128
Pentium III
Generation 3: AVX
vaddss ymm0,ymm3,ymm2
8x 32-bit float
4x 64-bit double
or __m256
Sandy Bridge Core CPU

Generation 1: "FPU Register Stack"

Like an HP calculator using RPN arithmetic, to add two numbers with the original 1981 floating point instructions, you:
Almost uniquely, you don't specify registers for most operations: instead, the values come from the top of the "floating point register stack".  So "faddp" (add and pop) takes two parameters off the stack, and pushes the resulting value.  The reason they did this is because they *had* to: they weren't willing to use enough bits to specify two separate register numbers.  A few instructions include enough bits to specify something other than the top two registers, but usually one value must be on top of the stack.

The FPU register stack was introduced with the 8087 math coprocessor.  It got pretty popular around the 386 era, when you needed to add a separate 387 chip to the motherboard to get floating point instructions.  Floating point was integrated into the main CPU around the 486 era, with the 486DX including on-chip floating point.

Internally, there are 8 floating point registers (pushing too many values into those registers makes floating point operations stop working).  The registers are each an 80 bit "long double" (sign bit, 15 bit exponent, and 64 bit mantissa).  80 bits is a really weird size; one of the only hardware-supported data types that's not a power of two.  I've seen machines that store those 80 bits using 10 bytes of memory (no padding), 12 bytes of memory (padding to 4-byte multiple), or even 16 bytes of memory (padding to 16-byte multiple).

On old 32-bit machines, the typical way to return a floating point value from a function was to leave it on the floating-point register stack.
extern "C" double bar(void);
" fld1\n"
" fldpi\n"
" faddp\n"
" ret\n"

int foo(void) {
double d=bar();
std::cout<<" Function returns "<<d<<"\n";
return 0;

(Try this in NetRun now!)

Here's a similar operation in assembly.  Because I move the resulting value to memory myself, this runs in 64-bit mode.
fadd st0,st0 ; add register 0 to itself

fstp DWORD [a]; copy top of floating point register stack to memory
mov rdi,a; address of our float
mov rsi,1; number of floats to print
sub rsp,8 ; align stack for farray_print
extern farray_print
call farray_print
add rsp,8 ; Clean up stack

ret ; Done with function

section .data
a: dd 1.234

(Try this in NetRun now!)

This implementation worked reasonably OK for many years, but the restriction that you can only operate on the top of the stack makes it cumbersome for compilers to generate the code for big arithmetic intensive functions--lots of instructions are spent shuffling values around in the stack rather than doing work.

Generation 2: SSE

Intel realized that a more conventional register-based implementation could deliver higher performance, so in the late 1990's they built an entirely separate replacement floating point unit called SSE.  Every 64-bit x86 supports SSE.  This includes:
Here's a typical use; see previous lectures for the gory details.
movss xmm0,[a] ; load from memory
addss xmm0,xmm0 ; add to itself (double it)
movss [a],xmm0 ; store back to memory

mov rdi,a; address of our float
mov rsi,1; number of floats to print
sub rsp,8 ; align stack for farray_print
extern farray_print
call farray_print
add rsp,8 ; Clean up stack

ret ; Done with function

section .data
a: dd 1.234

(Try this in NetRun now!)

Today, SSE is the typical way to do floating point work.  Some older compilers might still use the FPU (to work with very old pre-SSE hardware), and the very latest cutting edge machines can use AVX, but this is the mainstream typical version you should probably use for your homeworks.

Generation 3: AVX

Most other modern CPUs have "three operand instructions": X=Y+Z is a single instruction.  Note that SSE still uses "two operation instructions", so X+=Y is a single instruction.  The very latest 2011 x86 instruction set addition AVX changes that: you can now write three-operand instructions!
vmovss xmm1,[a] ; load from memory
vaddss xmm0,xmm1,xmm1 ; add to itself (double it), and store to xmm0
vmovss [a],xmm0 ; store back to memory

mov rdi,a; address of our float
mov rsi,1; number of floats to print
sub rsp,8 ; align stack for farray_print
extern farray_print
call farray_print
add rsp,8 ; Clean up stack

ret ; Done with function

section .data
a: dd 1.234

(Try this in NetRun now!)

There are a few other additions, such as a new set of "ymm" registers with wider vector parallelism, but for scalar code the big change is three operand inputs.

The only downside with AVX is that if your processor was built before 2011, it won't run those instructions!