Crypto Project 2

CS 463, Dr. Lawlor

The project is designed as a way for you to do hands-on work with cryptographic systems in a field of your choice. Each project should contain at least some of each of these three things:


Friday, April 19, in class: be prepared to talk about your project topic for about two minutes, and try to contribute something useful for each other student's project topic (maybe just "That's a neat topic!"). I'll be in Texas (for the National Collegiate Cyber-Defense Contest, along with half the class!), but I'll try to connect into BlackBoard during this class.

Monday, April 22: no class, instead go and work on your projects!

Wednesday, May 1: Rough draft due.

Friday, May 3 and Monday, May 6: Present project results in class (6-8 minutes each).

Wednesday, May 8: Final exam, and final draft code by midnight.

Suggested Topics

Feel free to pick one of these, combine two or more, or pick some unlisted topic!