Groups, Fields, and AES
CS 463
Lecture, Dr. Lawlor
Quite a few abstract mathematical objects are used in crypto work,
and particularly in AES and the discrete logarithm encryption
schemes (Diffie-Hellman, DSA, etc).
You'd need to take Math 405--"Abstract Algebra: Theory of groups,
rings, and fields."--to get the full story, but here's the cheat
sheet. Essentially, the trick to abstract algebra is to
generalize the recurring aspects of specific operators like + and *,
so you can use the minimum number of properties to prove theorems
useful in a bunch of different domains, sort of like mathematical
operator overloading.
Properties (for all a, b, and c)
Magma |
Closure: a • b exists |
Quaternion multiplication.
Semigroup |
(all of the above, plus)
(a • b) • c = a • (b • c) |
The positive integers under addition ( • is
+). |
Monoid |
(all of the above, plus)
Identity: 0 exists, where a • 0 = a |
Non-negative integers under addition.
(all of the above, plus)
Inverse: -a exists, where a • -a = 0
All integers under addition.
The integers under modular addition.
Reals under multiplication.
Integers under addition, modulo a prime.
Multiplication of invertible matrices.
(all of the above, plus)
Commutativity: a • b = b • a
All of the above, except matrix
With "addition", forms an abelian group.
Also has an associative "multiplication" operation.
Distributivity: a*(b+c) = a*b+a*c
The integers under addition and
The reals under addition and multiplication.
(all properties of a commutative ring, plus)
Nonzero elements can be "divided": multiplicative inverses
There are quite a few infinite fields (reals,
complex, rationals).
Yet every finite field of the same size is equivalent
(isomorphic), a surprising result.
* Denotes names you might hear about again in this class (you can
forget the rest!).
This table gets less general (with more requirements added) as you
go downward.
Groups and Rings
For crypto work, we're usually interested in finite groups.
One way to get finite integer groups is via modular arithmetic,
where we wrap around to the size of the group. If we wrap the
integers, Z, around by n, we have Z%n.
Addition on modular integers always makes a group, but there's a
problem with multiplication. The first is that zero has no
multiplicative inverse, but we can cure this by not worrying about
zero. Second, look at the multiplication table for Z%4:
0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3
0 2 0 2
0 3 2 1
The problem is that multiplying by 2 doesn't have an inverse--not
only does 2*2 result in the excluded zero element, 2*1=2*3=2.
By contrast, Z%5 works fine as a group under multiplication, with
this table:
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4
0 2 4 1 3
0 3 1 4 2
0 4 3 2 1
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As it happens, the nonzero elements of Z%n act as a group under
multiplication only if n is prime. Yet we'd like to work with
powers of two, so we can compute byte, short, int, or long values on
a computer. To make these work out, we actually need quite
radically different definitions of "addition" and "multiplication".
Finite Fields
Because every finite field of a given size is equivalent, any field
with 256 elements always has the same universal properties. Galois,
who died at age 20 in the chaos of post-Napoleon France, blazed the
mathematical trail to much of this area, so we call the field with
256 elements GF(28), or "Galois Field with 28
Weirdly, members of a field of size pn are
equivalent to polynomials of degree up to n, with
coefficients chosen from integers modulo p (a "field with
characteristic p"). For example, we might do the
obvious thing and represent numbers like 0 or 1 with the polynomial
0 or 1. So far, so good, but 2 is problematic because we can
only have coefficients modulo p, so we bump up a power of the
polynomial to x, and pick "2=10=1x+0". This results in a
simple correspondence between the bits in a binary representation of
a number and the terms of the corresponding field polynomial.
x2 |
1x2+0x+1 |
x2+1 |
1x3+0x2+0x+0 |
x3 |
1x4+0x3+0x2+0x+0 |
x4 |
1x4+0x3+1x2+0x+1 |
x4+x2+1 |
Luckily, the mathematical structure is just there to compute the
values of the substitution tables, or motivate some simple shifting
and XOR work--we certainly don't have to "convert numbers to
polynomials" at runtime, and we never actually evaluate the
polynomials at any x.
Finite Field Addition
We can figure out how addition works in a finite field by adding the
underlying polynomials. For example:
1 + 2 = 1+10 = (1)+(1x+0) = 1x+1 = 11 = 3
Yet because we only have single-bit polynomial coefficients,
2 + 2 = 10+10 = (1x+0)+(1x+0) = 2x = 0x = 0
Because of this single-bit binary wraparound, it turns out that in
GF(28), addition, subtraction, and XOR are all the same
operation. This seems like a pretty radical departure from
ordinary addition, but in a circuit, it just corresponds to throwing
away the carry bits from each single-bit addition.
Here's an addition table for GF(24), a 4-bit (single hex
digit) finite field:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
1 0 3 2 5 4 7 6 9 8 b a d c f e
2 3 0 1 6 7 4 5 a b 8 9 e f c d
3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 b a 9 8 f e d c
4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 c d e f 8 9 a b
5 4 7 6 1 0 3 2 d c f e 9 8 b a
6 7 4 5 2 3 0 1 e f c d a b 8 9
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 f e d c b a 9 8
8 9 a b c d e f 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 8 b a d c f e 1 0 3 2 5 4 7 6
a b 8 9 e f c d 2 3 0 1 6 7 4 5
b a 9 8 f e d c 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4
c d e f 8 9 a b 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3
d c f e 9 8 b a 5 4 7 6 1 0 3 2
e f c d a b 8 9 6 7 4 5 2 3 0 1
f e d c b a 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
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Rather like Sudoku, for inverses to exist we need each output to
appear in each row and column exactly once.
Finite Field Multiplication
Multiplication in a finite field works just like polynomial
multiplication (remember Algebra II?), which means:
2*2=10*10= (1x+0)*(1x+0)=x*x=x2=1x2+0x+0=100=4
This works fine except for the problem of generating polynomial
degrees higher than n: for example, 16*16=x4*x4=x8,
which is just beyond GF(28). To fix this, we
"reduce" higher degrees by subtracting off multiples of a "reducing
polynomial", which for AES is
x8 + x4 + x3 + x + 1 (in
hex, 0x11b). There are lots of choices of reducing polynomial
(they need to be "irreducible", the polynomial equivalent of prime,
to work out), but it turns out they only permute the numbers, not
change the underlying mathematical structure.
In this case, we subtract off the reducing polynomial once:
16*16=x4*x4=x8=x8-(x8 + x4 + x3 + x + 1)=-(x4 + x3 + x + 1)
Since every
element is its own additive inverse, this is:
...=x4 + x3 + x + 1=11011=27.
Note that an even times an even *can* give you an odd this way!
The reduction operation gives multiplication in a finite field a
strange flavor. For example, here's the 256-entry hex
multiplication table (from
Wikipedia) for multiplying by 2 (1x+0) in GF(28):
The whole first half of the table is boringly identical to integer
multiplication, but the reduction starts being needed halfway
through, and the results start bouncing around, especially in the
low bits.
Here's a *correct* multiplication table for GF(24), using
a reduction polynomial of
0x13 == 10011 == x4+x+1. (See some more
detailed GF(16) examples here.)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
0 2 4 6 8 a c e 3 1 7 5 b 9 f d
0 3 6 5 c f a 9 b 8 d e 7 4 1 2
0 4 8 c 3 7 b f 6 2 e a 5 1 d 9
0 5 a f 7 2 d 8 e b 4 1 9 c 3 6
0 6 c a b d 7 1 5 3 9 f e 8 2 4
0 7 e 9 f 8 1 6 d a 3 4 2 5 c b
0 8 3 b 6 e 5 d c 4 f 7 a 2 9 1
0 9 1 8 2 b 3 a 4 d 5 c 6 f 7 e
0 a 7 d e 4 9 3 f 5 8 2 1 b 6 c
0 b 5 e a 1 f 4 7 c 2 9 d 6 8 3
0 c b 7 5 9 e 2 a 6 1 d f 3 4 8
0 d 9 4 1 c 8 5 2 f b 6 3 e a 7
0 e f 1 d 3 2 c 9 7 6 8 4 a b 5
0 f d 2 9 6 4 b 1 e c 3 8 7 5 a
This is generated by the following code:
// Bitwise ("peasant") multiplication, using galois addition
for (int bit=3;bit>=0;bit--) {
if (b&(1<<bit))
// Reduce back into galois field (can also be folded into above loop)
int irr=0x13; // represents reduction polynomial
int high=0x10; // high bit of above
for (int bit=3;bit>=0;bit--) {
if (c&(high<<bit)) // if that bit is set
c=c^(irr<<bit); // galois "subtract" it off
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Note that forward multiplication is just a short algorithm, but it's
weirdly nonlinear enough that division in a finite field is
hard--typically you build a table of multiplicative inverses, and
multiply by the inverse.
AES's Operations
Each round of AES
consists of these operations, on a 4x4 grid of bytes.
- Each byte in the grid is run through an S-box.
This consists of a multiplicative inverse, followed by an affine
transformation--a series of additions and multiplies by 0 or
1. The affine transformation fixes the problem with 0 (no
multiplicative inverse, so by convention 1/0=0), and messes up
the mathematics so you can't string multiplicative inverses
- ShiftRows shifts each byte horizontally in the 4x4 grid.
Row i is shifted circularly by i bytes.
- MixColumns
computes a linear transformation on each column. A linear
transformation is just a series of finite field multiplications
and additions. The matrix used is invertible, so there's an
inverse operation. It's also chosen such that every output
byte changes if any single input byte changes.
- Finally, the round
keys are added (the same operation as XOR in a finite
field) to each byte.
Why Bother?
The big advantages of working in a finite field are:
- Numbers stay small--everything in GF(28) is always
one byte, even after multiplication or division.
- Inverses exist for each operation, which makes decryption
possible. This is superior to the simpler modular
arithmetic in a power of two modulus, where multiplying by 2
loses the high bit.
- The mathematics are well understood, dating to the
1830's. This makes it easy for you to pick good mixing
functions, and makes it less likely somebody is going to
surprise you with a new analysis technique.
- There are enough operations for them to combine in rich ways:
AES combines division in the first half of the S box, a
transpose in the row shift, and matrix operations during
MixColumns and the second half of the S box. Matrix
operations don't commute with each other, and the transpose and
division keeps you from multiplying the matrices together.
By contrast, for example, if you've only got addition, you're a
shift cipher no matter how many operations you do; if you've
only got addition and multiplication, you're a linear cipher no
matter how many operations you do.
If you're curious, the Rijndael
AES paper is pretty readable, and has details on design
motivation. They just assume you're familiar with finite field
theory, though.