Floating Point in Assembly Language

Intel's current main floating point unit is called SSE.  This includes:

Here's a typical use.  For a function that returns "float", the compiler will expect the answer in xmm0:

movss xmm0,[a] ; load from memory
addss xmm0,xmm0 ; add to itself (double it)

ret ; Done with function

section .data
a: dd 1.234

(Try this in NetRun now!)

You can also call functions taking floats, like "print_float", which takes one argument in xmm0.  Annoyingly, functions that take floats will crash if the stack is not aligned to a multiple of 16 bytes, so you need to allocate enough stack space to make that happen.

movss xmm0,[a] ; load from memory
addss xmm0,xmm0 ; add to itself (double it)

sub rsp,8 ; align stack for print_float
extern print_float
call print_float
add rsp,8 ; Clean up stack

ret ; Done with function

section .data
a: dd 1.234

(Try this in NetRun now!)

Because all the xmm registers are trashable, not preserved, you can't count on your value still being there after *any* function call.  This means you need to save the value to the stack.  The instruction "movaps" saves the whole xmm0 register to 16 bytes of memory, but careful!  "movaps" will crash if the address you pass isn't a multiple of 16 bytes, an "aligned" address.

movss xmm0,[a] ; load from memory
addss xmm0,xmm0 ; add to itself (double it)

sub rsp,8+16 ; align stack, and leave space for xmm0
movaps [rsp],xmm0 ; save our xmm0
extern print_float
call print_float
movaps xmm0,[rsp] ; restore our xmm0
add rsp,8+16 ; Clean up stack

ret ; Done with function

section .data
a: dd 1.234

(Try this in NetRun now!)

You can also print floating point info by storing it to memory, and calling a memory-accessing function like farray_print:

movss xmm0,[a] ; load from memory
addss xmm0,xmm0 ; add to itself (double it)
movss [a],xmm0 ; store back to memory

mov rdi,a; address of our float
mov rsi,1; number of floats to print
sub rsp,8 ; align stack for farray_print
extern farray_print
call farray_print
add rsp,8    ; Clean up stack

ret ; Done with function

section .data
a: dd 1.234 

(Try this in NetRun now!) 

The full list of single-float instructions is below.  There are also double precision instructions, ending in "sd", and some very interesting parallel instructions (we'll talk about these next week).

  Instruction Comments
Arithmetic addss sub, mul, div all work the same way
Compare minss max works the same way
Sqrt sqrtss Square root (sqrt), reciprocal (rcp), and reciprocal-square-root (rsqrt) all work the same way
Move movss Copy DWORD sized data to and from memory.  
Convert cvtss2si

Convert to ("2", get it?) Single Integer (si, stored in register like eax).  "cvtt" versions do truncation (round toward zero, like C++ default); "cvt" versions round to nearest. 
Compare to flags ucomiss Sets CPU flags like normal x86 "cmp" instruction, but from SSE registers.  Use with "jb", "jbe", "je", "jae", or "ja" for normal comparisons (but not jl, jle, jg, or jge, for some reason).  Sets "pf", the parity flag, if either input is a NaN.

Here's an example of using the instruction cvtss2si to convert to integer:

movss xmm3,[pi]; load up constant
addss xmm3,xmm3 ; add pi to itself
cvtss2si eax,xmm3 ; round to integer
section .data
pi: dd 3.14159265358979 ; constant

(Try this in NetRun now!)

Here we're using ucomiss to compare two floats:

movss xmm3,[a]
ucomiss xmm3,[b]
jbe wejumped
mov eax, 1

mov eax,3

a: dd 1.23
b: dd 1.27

(Try this in NetRun now!)

Note that above we're using data declared with "dd" (data DWORD) and instructions ending in "ss" (scalar single-precision float), which corresponds to the C/C++ type "float" (4 bytes).  You can get higher precision computations using the C/C++ type "double" (8 bytes), but you need to declare the data with "dq" (data QWORD), and use instructions ending in "sd" (scalar double-precision float).  You can convert a register from one type to another with "cvtss2sd" or "cvtsd2ss", but you can't just mix and match sizes--the machine will happily interpret the wrong bits and spit out garbage!

C/C++ Name Declare data Instructions
float (4 bytes)  dd 1.234  addss xmm0,xmm0
double (8 bytes)  dq 1.234  addsd xmm0,xmm0
movsd xmm0,[a] ; load double from memory
addsd xmm0,xmm0 ; add to itself (double it)

ret ; Done with function

section .data
a: dq 1.234

(Try this in NetRun now!)

I personally try to use "float" whenever I can, since double cost twice the memory, but C/C++ tends to use double by default.

print_float and farray_print are both netrun only, but from anywhere you can call the standard C function printf to print double-precision values.  

movsd xmm0,[a] ; load *double* from memory (printf expects double)
addsd xmm0,xmm0

mov rdi,formatString ; integer argument: pointer to format string
sub rsp,8 ; align stack
mov al,1 ; Count of xmm registers passed to printf (one register, xmm0)
extern printf
call printf
add rsp,8 ; Clean up stack

ret ; Done with function

section .data
a: dq 1.234
formatString: db `The float = %f\n`,0

(Try this in NetRun now!)

Today, SSE is the typical way to do floating point work.  Some older 32-bit compilers still use the FPU (to work with very old pre-SSE hardware, like a Pentium 1), and the very latest cutting edge machines (Sandy or Ivy Bridge) can use AVX, but this is the mainstream typical version is the 64-bit standard you should probably use for your homeworks. 

CS 301 Lecture Note, 2014, Dr. Orion LawlorUAF Computer Science Department.