- man perlintro for an overview
- Perl is not a strongly typed language. Generally, you do
not need to worry about "classical" data types, since Perl will
interpret the type correctly from context. However, you do need
to distinguish between list and scalar types, and the different
types of arrays.
- Fundamental type: scalar. This is a variable
that can only have one value.
- Fundamental type: list. This is a variable that
can contain a list of values. It includes arrays.
- For either scalars or lists, data may be typed as in other
languages. However, no type declaration is needed.
- You don't need int $c=0;, instead simply $c=0; (or
better my $c=0;).
- You can do numerical and string processing,
as in other languages. Simply use a variable in the right context:
for (my $i=0; $i < $j; $i++) ... presumes $i is an integer
my $z = sqrt(2); will put a floating point number in $z
print $m . " you handsome devil\n" will output $m as a string
- When you use a list item in scalar context, Perl tries to do
the right thing.
my @arr=("x", "y", "z"); print @arr;
- If you really need to get a number to output in a particular
format, try something such printf. For example:
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = gmtime(time);
$year = sprintf("%02d", $year % 100);