- To use flow of control, data types and terminal input/output
for simple tasks
- Set up some variables, then create a main loop that
solicits input and provides output. Consider the simplest
possible ways of doing things, not the most flexible.
- Skeleton code:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my ($a, $b, $oper);
print "Enter the first number: ";
while (<>) {
$a=$_; chomp($a);
print "Enter the second number: ";
$b=<>; chomp($b);
print "Enter 1 to add, 2 to subtract: ";
$oper=<>; chomp($oper);
if ($oper == "1") {
print "The sum is: " . ($a + $b) . "\n";
} else {
print "The difference is: " . ($a - $b) . "\n";
print "Enter the first number: ";
- What is missing in the code above? How would you add
error checking? Comment the code, and build upon it.