CS 622 - Performance Evaluation, Fall 2002
TR 2:00 - 3:30 in Chapman 206


Instructor: Prof. Jon Genetti
Office: 208B Chapman
Office Hours: MWF 2:30-4:00, TR 3:30-4:30, or by appointment
Phone: 474-5737
Email: genetti@cs.uaf.edu
Class web page: http://www.cs.uaf.edu/~cs622

Prerequisite: CS321 (Operating Systems)
Department policies: www.cs.uaf.edu/dms/Policies.html
Textbook: Measuring Computer Performance: A Practitioner's Guide by David Lilja

We will learn the fundamental techniques used in analyzing and understanding the performance of computer systems. We will implement and use these techniques to improve the performance of programs, choose between different algorithms that solve a problem, and choose the appropriate platform for a program.

Grading Policy:
Final grades will be assigned based on the following percentage intervals:
A - [89.5%, 100%]
B - [79.5%, 89.5%)
C - [69.5%, 79.5%)
D - [59.5%, 69.5%)
F - [0.0%, 59.5%)
The percentage interval for a letter grade may be lowered depending on the overall class performance.

The assignments/exams will be weighted as follows:
Mini-projects: 40%
Project/Presentation: 20%
Midterm: 20%
Final Exam: 20%

There will be four "mini-projects" assigned as topics are covered. Mini-projects will be due by 5PM on the due date and late assignments will not be accepted. Students may discuss possible approaches to problems, specific syntax questions and aspects of debugging. However, all programs and written assignments are to be done strictly on an individual basis, unless otherwise specified.

Each student will solve a unique problem and present the results to the class. Presentations will be graded on correctness, depth of analysis and clarity of presentation.

There will be a take-home midterm exam (the week of October 28) and an in-class final exam on Tuesday, Dec 17 from 1-3pm. Exams may consist of any mix of multiple choice, short answer, short essay questions and programming. Your goal should be to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of course concepts. The midterm must be turned in by the due date/time and the final must be taken as scheduled.