- Final
Exam and overall course grades are on NetRun.
- The final exam was at 10:15am in Chapman 107 on Saturday, May 9.
- Turn in your Project 2 final code on
by midnight Thursday, May 7th.
- Project 2 presentations were in class Thursday, April 30th,
and rough draft code grades and comments are available on NetRun.
- Your Project 2 rough draft is due
Blackboard by midnight Thursday, April 23rd.
- Turn in your Homework 5 on mesh generation and tuning on Blackboard by midnight Tuesday, April 14th.
- Turn in your Homework 4 spring shader on Blackboard by midnight Thursday, March 26th.
- Proj1b: project 1
talks were the week after spring break:
Tuesday, March 17:
Eggemeyer, James: N-Body Cosmology
Galloway, Kevin: Agent Simulations
Gillmore, Russell: Wave Particles
Halliday III, James: Wildfire Simulation
Jones, Matthew: Collision Detection
Thursday, March 19:
Kline, Donald: Fire Rendering
Nikolskiy, Denis: Fluid Simulation
Paden, Brian: Disease Simulation
Start, Christopher: Cloth Simulation
- The midterm exam was held in class on Thursday, March 5. It
will be closed-book, closed-notes, and cover both OpenGL and physics,
just like class!
- HW3: Write a program that includes some sort of animating geometry
interacting with an offscreen texture that is repeatedly being blurred.
Tuesday, February 17 at midnight.
- HW2: Write a nice-looking animating particle system with smooth and intuitive 3D camera
rotation and motion. You should include shadows or motion blur (or both!).
You may use my vector class, and read my code, but you should write your own
implementation. Due
Thursday, February 5 at midnight.
- HW1: Write a simple OpenGL program that animates
a particle system integrated using second-order dynamics.
Your particle system should demonstrably conserve energy.
Due Thursday, January 29 by midnight.
Lecture Notes:
- 04_28_review,
Coursewide Review for Final Exam
modified 2009-04-28
- 04_09_newton,
Using existing physics libraries: Newton
modified 2009-04-09
- 04_02_collision,
Collision Detection & Response
modified 2009-04-06
- 03_23_materials,
Bulk Material Response and Finite Elements
modified 2009-03-23
- 03_03_multigrid,
Partial Differential Equation Symbols, Multigrid, and Navier-Stokes
modified 2009-03-02
- 02_18_wave_physics,
Waves: Beyond Blurring
modified 2009-04-28
- 02_16_blur_physics,
Physics Based on Blurring
modified 2009-02-19
- 02_12_blurring,
Blurring: a simple Texture-to-Texture operation
modified 2009-02-11
- 02_10_textures,
Textures in Modern OpenGL
modified 2009-02-09
- 02_05_stability,
Stable Simulation: Avoiding Overshoot
modified 2009-02-09
- 02_03_pretty,
Making Points Look Good, and Shadows
modified 2009-02-04
- 01_29_camera,
Camera Rotation & Translation, and Reference Ground
modified 2009-01-28
- 01_27_integration,
Discretizing Differentials: Numerical Integration
modified 2009-01-24
- 01_22_intro,
Pretty Pictures, OpenGL, Taylor Series, and Physics
modified 2009-01-21
Example Code:
- 480_fractcollide_fem2D--Adds fracture mechanics to 2D FEM simulation.
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-05-23)
- 480_water_terrain--Simulated water running down our fractal terrain.
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-04-23)
- 480_plasma_terrain--Simulate terrain heights using a plasma fractal.
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-04-21)
- 480_gridcollide_fem2D--Adds penetration depth and a 2D acceleration grid to 2D FEM
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-04-13)
- 480_newton--A simple 3D physics simulator with a bunch of rocks using
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-04-09)
- 480_collide_fem2D--Adds collision detection and response, and volume damping, to 2D FEM simulation.
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-03-31)
- 480_fem2D--Simulates a large-rotation finite element triangle system.
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-03-30)
- 480_springs--Simulates a trivially simple particle-spring system.
Press WASD to move the camera.
Press XYZ to apply force to the orange point. Capital X and Y push the other way.
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-03-19)
- 480_multigrid_fluid--Simulate a flowing, incompressible fluid using multigrid.
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-03-02)
- 480_reflected_waves--Runs a wave simulation from shader.txt, then at display time
computes normals and reflection vectors to reflect clouds.
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-03-02)
- 480_tex_playground--Reads moose and wolf simulation from "shader.txt" file, adding GLUI
sliders for float uniforms.
Has several shaders, including escher blur and waves.
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-03-02)
- 480_wave1--Wave simulation running on the graphics card.
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-02-19)
- 480_ice--Water freezing into ice, with heat of fusion and crystal growth.
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-02-18)
- 480_texture1--Blurs a texture using a simple GLSL program.
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-02-12)
- 480_texfile--Read a texture from a JPEG file, using SOIL.
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-02-12)
- 480_texmodes--Demonstrates texture wrapping and filtering modes. Also uses GLUI!
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-02-09)
- 480_particles4--Adds simple framebuffer objects and textures to our particle system.
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-02-09)
- 480_particles3--Adds soft shadow decals and GLSL particle size calculation.
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-02-02)
- 480_particles2--Second-order motion, and nice camera control.
Also shows origin of horizontal "waves" in simulation.
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-01-30)
- 480_particles1--Simulates a trivial particle system with first-order dynamics.
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-01-21)
- 480_microgl--Tiny OpenGL program, drawing particles onscreen.
Download: .zip w/exe
(modified 2009-01-21)