The final exam is in class Wednesday, December 14, from 10:15am-noon. The format will be exactly like the midterm--a one page paper exam, closed book, closed notes.
Project 2 final drafts are due midnight Wednesday, December 14. Turn in your detailed writeup on Blackboard (log in first). The final code should be fully debugged, polished, tuned, commented, and include at least a short README explaining what it is, and what its results mean. Style and clean code count!
HW7 is on embedded systems programming in NetRun, and is now due Monday, November 21 (was due Friday, November 18, but the Pi locked up Friday night. It's up again today, Saturday.)
Project 1 final drafts are due by the end of Wednesday, October 26 on Blackboard
(log in first). Presentations were Friday, October 14, and Monday & Wednesday, October 17 & 19; grades and comments are on NetRun
. Rough drafts were due Wednesday, October 5 on Blackboard (log in first). Topics were due in class Wednesday, September 28.
We'll do a review for the midterm in class this Monday, October 10--bring a laptop so you can edit a section of the study guide
. The midterm exam will be in class this Wednesday, October 12. You can get a feel for the questions by looking at last year's midterm and answer key.
Help me figure out what topics to cover, by taking this super short survey
. Not listed on the survey are the topics we're definitely going to cover:
Assembly language: syntax, conventions, and when and where to use or not use it.
How a machine's circuits run your code.
The byte-level representation of machine code.
Code performance at the nanosecond level, and how to measure and improve performance.
Most of the homeworks for this class use my web-based programming tool NetRun. Use your email address to make a NetRun account, then log in to NetRun, and HW0 should be listed at the bottom of the screen under "CS 301: Homepage (Fall 2016)" (if you don't see it, email me!). HW0 has 7 problems, numbered 0-6, and they're due by Friday, September 2.