CS 441 System Architecture
This course covers modern computer hardware, ranging from transistor-level operations through cloud-level parallelism.
- Final exam feedback and overall course grades are on NetRun. Thank you for a fun semester!
- The take-home final exam is due before midnight Thursday, December 18 on Blackboard (log in first).
- Project 2 final code is due before midnight Thursday, December 18 on Blackboard (log in first).
- Project 2 presentations are this week, in volunteer-first order. Lecture notes comments are on NetRun. Lecture notes:
- Branch Prediction
- Biological Computing
- NES Graphics & Programming Model
- NES Hardware Overview
- Memristors
- Project 2 rough draft comments are on NetRun. Lecture notes are due by midnight Thursday, December 4 on Blackboard (log in first).
- Project 2 timeline and topic suggestions. Rough drafts are due by midnight Tuesday, December 2 on Blackboard (log in first).
- Homework 3, on network communication, is due Thursday 2014-11-13 by midnight.
- Project 1 presentations are Tuesday and Thursday 2014-10-28 & 30. Plan on presenting 15 minutes of material, and we'll then add on questions/discussion. Lecture notes:
- Building a 4-bit CPU from discrete chips
- Superscalar CPU in Logisim
- Probabilistic processor instruction set design
- Massively parallel blue gene hardware
- Nanowire fabrication and use
- History of out of order execution
- Kinect hardware and software
- Project 1 lecture notes are due midnight Tuesday, 2014-10-21 on Blackboard (log in first). The idea with the lecture notes is to primarily to collect figures and provide links to your reference material, and provide a sort of reminder explanation that people can use months after the talk to remember what the talk was about.
- Project 1 rough draft grading comments are posted on NetRun.
- Project 1 rough drafts are due midnight Tuesday, 2014-10-14 on Blackboard (log in first).
- Homework 2: determine whether superscalar is present on a non-x86 CPU of your choice, such as the ARM, SPARC, PowerPC, or MIPS machines available on NetRun. Use a combination of research, such as manufacturer documentation, and experiments, such as timing data, to support your answer. Turn in an approximately 1-page writeup on Blackboard (log in first) before Tuesday, October 7 at midnight.
- Project 1 topics are due in-class Thursday, 2014-09-25. See a list of suggested topics, and (NEW!) timeline.
- Homework 1: build a simple CPU in Logisim, or another simulator of your choice. Your CPU should have more than one useable register, and execute a stored program (I used a ROM) that loads values into registers, and performs arithmetic on the registers, to store a value of 0x42 in the registers by touching nothing but the clock line. (Save early, save often--Logisim is a good program, but it crashes!) Turn in your .circ file on Blackboard (log in first) by midnight Thursday, 2014-09-18.
- Homework 0 was due in class Thursday, 2014-09-11. Most popular topics in the survey are:
Topic Survey average Quantum 4.55 High performance 4.45 GPU 4.27 Biological computing 4.09 Multithreading 4.00 Cloud computing 4.00 Virtualization 3.64
Lecture Notes
Index of 2014 Fall
Orion Lawlor
- Associate Professor, Computer Science
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 2004 Ph.D.
- Computer graphics; parallel programming; robotics; 3D printing.
- Duckering 529
- 907-474-7678
- Office Hours:
- By Appointment
- lawlor@alaska.edu